Jon Kent Superman Comes Out As Bisexual

For National Coming Out Day, DC has announced that Jon Kent, the titular Son of Kal-El, is bisexual. This is a clearly good thing. It expands and adds depth to a newer character that could use some new depth and differentiation. What else is there to say about it? Representation matters. Give us more like this.

I’m travelling the next few weeks, but mentally preparing for an actual piece when I get back.

October 11, 2021

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Comic Case Study with Elsa Charretier I don’t quite have the energy for a full post this week so I will leave you with a YouTube page that I came across today. Elsa Charretier’s YouTube
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Miracle Monday Update Hello dear readers. I’ve had so many things to write about, but no time to write about them. The end of Supergirl, the Injustice animated movie, the