Miracle Monday Update

Hello dear readers. I’ve had so many things to write about, but no time to write about them. The end of Supergirl, the Injustice animated movie, the ongoing campaign for an extended cut of Superman IV, living legend George Perez, all things that deserve some words on this blog. All of them in the drafts folder of my brain.

What have I been up to you ask? I did some contributions for the excellent comic site Multiversity Comics as part of their 2021 Year in Review. It starts today with breakout writer, but keep an eye out for my contributions throughout the week on a few Superman related items.

December 13, 2021

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Jon Kent Superman Comes Out As Bisexual For National Coming Out Day, DC has announced that Jon Kent, the titular Son of Kal-El, is bisexual. This is a clearly good thing. It expands and
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12021 Wrap Up Quick reflections on the last year: Clearly the biggest and most impactful thing of the year was wide availability of vaccination. Much of human